【charged charged down】大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题 。charged down , charged这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、[1.a.charged] (同义词:[charged] ) 注释列句:of a particle or body or system; having a net amount of positive or negative electric charge; "charged particles"; "a charged battery" 近义词 -> [hot] [negative] [positive] [polar] 反义词 -> [uncharged] [2.a.charged] (同义词:[charged] [supercharged] ) 注释列句:fraught with great emotion; "an atmosphere charged with excitement"; "an emotionally charged speech" 近义词 -> [emotional] [3.a.charged] (同义词:[aerated] [charged] ) 注释列句:supplied with carbon dioxide 近义词 -> [effervescent] [4.a.charged] (同义词:[charged] ) 注释列句:capable of producing violent emotion or arousing controversy; "the highly charged issue of abortion" 近义词 -> [provocative] 。
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