六年级上册英语在线听 六年级上册英语在线听外研版音频

六年级上册英语在线听 六年级上册英语在线听外研版音频

大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题 。六年级上册英语在线听外研版音频,六年级上册英语在线听这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、一、判断划线部分的发音,相同的打对号,不同的打错号 。
2、()1. meatbread()2.butbus()3. ideapeach()4.riceright()5. postnose()6.alwaysface()7. elephantset()8.sevenstrong()9.driverbike()10. souththe二、请用直线把汉语与相应的英语单词连接起来 。
3、(20分)plane地铁2、minute想要ship飞机want北subway轮船north南always知道south分钟know总是west西三、请在B栏中找出A栏句子的答语,将其字母代号填在括号中 。
4、AB()How do you go to school?A. You can go by the No.5 bus.()Can I go on foot?B. No, it’s not far.()How can I go to the zoo?C. Sure, if you like.()Is it far from here?D .It’s near the hospital.() Where is the cinema?E. Usually I go on foot.()Where is the bookstore?F. My home is near the cinema.()What are you going to do?G .I am going at 3 o’clock.()Where are you going this evening?H. I’m going to play football.()When are you going?I. It’s east of the cinema.()Where is your home?J.I’m going to the bookstore.四、选择填空(10%)()-______ your birthday?- It’s on the 1st of May.A 、What’sB、When’sC、Where’s ()2、-Is the running race ______?- Yes, it is.A 、excitedB、excitingC、excite ()3、My birthday is _______.A 、comeB、comingC、comes ()4、My birthday is on the _______ of November.A 、twelveB、twelvethC、twelfth()5、I’d like a big cake _______ lots of strawberries _____ my birthday party.A 、of, forB、with, asC、with, for()6、It was there _________.A 、nowB、just nowC、a moment()7、Lucy _____ to go shopping with her mother.A 、wantB、wantsC、wanting()8、The earphones ______ on the sofa.A 、isB、areC、was()9、The students are _______ the match now.A 、looking atB、seeingC、watching()10、-What does it ________?- It______ you shouldn’t touch it.A 、mean, meansB、means, meanC、means, means五、请根据汉语提示,在空白处填单词 。
5、1.红灯停 。
6、_______at a red __________.2.请看这些漫画书 。
【六年级上册英语在线听 六年级上册英语在线听外研版音频】7、 Look at these __________ books, _________.3.我坐火车去北京 。
8、I go to Beijing _________________.4.今天下午我准备去邮局 。
9、I’m going to the post _________ this __________.5.今天上午我去了银行 。
10、Iwent to the bank _____________________.六、用所给词的正确形式填空 (15%)1There is a letter for________ (she) mother.2、Give _______(he) a toy, please.3、He ______ _______ (go) to the park now.4、________ you ________ (go) to school every day?5、My mother________ not________(like) English. She _______ (like) Chinese.6、When_____ you _______ (go ) to school? I _____ (go) to school at five every day.7、He______ (is ) ill yesterday.8______ they watch TV on Sundays? Yes, they __七、根据提示写单词 。
11、每个2分,共10分1. I’m going to ShangHai by__________(飞机).2. _______(如何) do you go to the park?3. I’m going to buy a comic book this _________(早上).4. Go straight, then turn __________(左边). 5. What are you going to do _____________________(下周).八、、阅读短文,回答后面的问题 。
12、(A).I am a bird. I fly in the sky. I like the clouds. They are pretty. I live in a tree. The tree is near a river. There aren’t any fish in the river. There is only one tree. I feel lonely.One day, I see some students. They plant trees. They grow flowers, too. I like the trees and the flowers. They are very beautiful. Then there are trees and flowers. There are many fish in the river. The air is cleaner, the clouds are more whiter. Many birds come. I am happy.1.()In the passage(短文), “I am a _________.”A birdB treeC flower2.()Where is the tree?A On the river. B Over the river. C Near the river.3.()Are there any fish in the river at first(原来)?A Yes, there is.B Yes, there are.C No, there aren’t.4.()Who plants the trees and flowers?A Some students.B Some birds.C Some fish.5.()After reading this passage, what should you do?A Water the flowers and trees. B Cook the meals.C Make the bed.(B)阅读理解,对的在括号内写T, 错的在括号内F.(5%)Today is Sunday. It’s seven thirty in the morning. It’s fine. Kate and her parents are going to the Great Wall. Kate’s father is a doctor. Her mother is a teacher. Now they’re getting on a big bus. There are twenty-two people in it. Some are English, and some are American and Japanese. They look very happy. They’re going to the Great Wall, too.There are four Chinese on the bus. A young woman, she’s a driver. A young man, he’s a guide. My father and I are going to the Great wall, too.()It’s a fine Sunday morning.()2、Kate’s father and mother are teachers.()3、There are twenty-two people in the bus.()4、They are happy.()5、The driver is a man. 文章 。
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