【俞敏洪简介 俞敏洪简介人生简介】

大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题 。俞敏洪简介人生简介,俞敏洪简介这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、俞敏洪was born in October 1962, at Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province to receive primary and secondary education. Admitted to Beijing University in 1980, Western Languages. Sick leave during the year, in 1985 graduated from Peking University, Beijing University of Foreign Language Department of staying in school as teachers. September 1991,俞敏洪resignation from the North to enter the field of private education has a number of private schools in Beijing to engage in teaching and management. November 16, 1993,俞敏洪founded the Beijing New Oriental School, served as principals. From the initial scores of the students begin a new start-up process of the Orient.As of 2000, the New Oriental School Beijing have occupied about 80%, 50% of the national training market abroad, the number of students in training up to 20 million. 。
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