【MacBook 新手这是你想知道的 50 个快捷键!】Mac 新手吗?如果你不熟悉 Mac 的话,或许需要快点认识一下 Mac 快捷键的使用方法 , 让你可以更好的使用 Macbook , 用起来的时候可以更快一些 。
Mac 快捷键:文字输入快捷键功能Windows 对应键Command + XCutControl + XCommand + CCopyControl + CCommand + VPasteControl + VCommand + PPrintControl + PCommand + ASelect all the textControl + ACommand + ZUndoControl + ZCommand + Shift + ZRedoControl + YCommand + SSaveControl + SCommand + OOpen fileControl + OOption + DeleteDeletes a word to the left of the cursorControl + Backspacefn + DeleteDeletes a letter to the right of the cursorDeletefn + Option + DeleteDeletes a word to the right of the cursorControl + DeleteOption + Right ArrowMoves the cursor one word to the rightControl + Right ArrowOption + Left ArrowMoves the cursor one word to the leftControl + Left ArrowOption + Shift + Right ArrowSelects one word to the rightControl + Shift + Right ArrowOption + Shift + Left ArrowSelects one word to the LeftControl + Shift + Left ArrowCommand + Shift + Right ArrowSelects a whole line from the cursor to the rightControl + Shift + EndCommand + Shift + Left ArrowSelects a whole line from the cursor to the leftControl + Shift + HomeCommand + Shift + Up Arrow / fn + Shift + Up ArrowSelects a whole section from the cursor upControl + Shift + Up ArrowCommand + Shift + Down Arrow / fn + Shift + Down ArrowSelects a whole section from the cursor downControl + Shift + Down ArrowMac 快捷键:网页快捷键功能Windows 对应键Command + TOpen a new TabControl + TCommand + WClose a TabControl + WCommand + Shift + TReopen a closed TabControl + Alt + TCommand + DNew BookmarkControl + DCommand + “{” keyGo backwardsBackspaceCommand + “}”Go forwardControl + Tab KeySwitch Between TabsControl + Tab KeyControl + F / Control + GSearch a word in a pageControl + F / Control + GCommand + RRefresh a pageControl + RCommand + BSearch your bookmarksControl + BCommand + Shift + HOpen your browser historyControl + HCommand + JOpen your download historyControl + JCommand + LSelects the URL address barF6Command + NOpens a new browser windowControl + Nfn + Down Arrow / SpacebarGoes farther down in a pagePgDnfn + Up ArrowGoes farther up in a pagePgUpCommand + Down ArrowGoes to the bottom of a pageEndCommand + Up ArrowGoes to the beginning of a pageHomeCommand + “+” keyZooms in a pageControl + “+” KeyCommand + “-” keyZooms out of a pageControl + “-” KeyMac 快捷键:其他实用快捷键FunctionWindows 对应键Command + Shift + 3Takes screenshotPrtscn keyCommand + Shift + 5Takes a screenshot to a selected part on the screenCommand + TabSwitches between open applicationsAlt + TabF4Shows you all your applicationsWindows KeyF3 / Control + Up arrowShows you all your open applicationsWindows key + TabCommand + Space BarOpens Spotlight Search to search for any application or document in your MacWindows key + Search BarCommand + MMinimizes your current applicationCommand + QCloses the selected applicationAlt + F4Command + HTakes you to your desktopControl + DControl + Command + QLocks screenWindows + LShift + Command + QLogs you out of your current sessionCommand + Option + Esc KeyForce Quit ApplicationsControl + alt + Delete
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