唯美爱情语录英文短句( 二 )

21、我去翻你的过往 , 并不是嫉妒 , 只是难过 , 有种深情你从未给过我 。
I'm not jealous, I'm just sad, I have a kind of affection you never gave me.
22、静下来想你 , 觉得一切都美好得不可思议 。
Calm down and think of you. Think everything is amazing.
23、学不会抒情 , 学不会情话 , 却学会了如何放手 。
Learn not to lyric, learn not to love words, but learn how to let go.
24、不要把自己想得有多深情 , 你会和他说的情话 , 将来也会和另一个人说 。
Don't think deeply about yourself, you will talk to him about love, and you will talk to another person in the future.
25、那天偶遇 , 彼此张开双手怀抱 , 却再也找不回当初的那一份感觉了!
That day, I met with each other with open arms, but I can't find the original feeling any more.
26、爱不是一种目标 , 而是一段旅程;爱是渴望 , 是忠诚 。
Love is not a goal, but a journey; love is desire, loyalty.
27、你喜欢清风醉酒 , 我却独爱烈风自由 。
You like the wind and drunk, but I love the wind and freedom alone.
28、爱情一定是婚姻的前提 , 而珍惜 , 才是携手鬓白的那份必须的执念 。
Love must be the premise of marriage, and cherishing is the necessary persistence of hand in hand.
29、当它不在为你跳动了 , 你是否会因此而难过一分 。
When it's not jumping for you, will you feel sorry for it?
30、走着走着就散了 , 回忆都淡了 , 回头发现你不见了 , 突然我乱了 。
Walking along, the memories fade away. When I look back, I find you are missing. Suddenly, I am confused.