英文邮件常用缩写 英文邮件中常用缩写

1商务 英语 邮件常用缩写
缩写是指为了便利使用,缩写时应忠于原文,不改变原文的主题或中心思想,不改变原文的梗概 。下面介绍商务英语邮件常用缩写,希望可以帮助到各位 。

英文邮件常用缩写 英文邮件中常用缩写


FYI-for your information 供你参考
ASAP-as soon as possible:尽快
ASAP并不是什么时候都能用 。它有强烈的命令语气,只有给下属写急事的时候才用,或者给平级的有工作交接的同事用,千万别给上司用!
CC-carbon copy:抄送
你希望另一方也知晓这件事,就告诉对方“也顺便CC一下谁吧”,一般用在邮件中 。
BR-Best Regards
祝好的意思 。在职场信件中出于礼貌一般都会加上 。
Best wishes
Looking forward to your reply.(期待你的回复)
Your sincerely XXX(XXX是你的名字)
All the best
TBD-To Be Determined, TBC- To be Confirmed 待决定,待商议
当接到一些会议邀请,但是地点是还没有最终确定,在location那一栏可以写TBD,即告诉对方会另行通知,待确定 。
EOD-end of the day, COB- close of the business:下班前
一般当你要催同事或者老板要催下属提交一下资料或者回复的时候就会强调一定要在EOD 或者COB给到我哦 。例如:Please submit your work to me COB today.
‘ASAP’ 是as soon as possible (尽快)的英文缩写 。
例句:The conference room is ready for the meeting, please come ASAP.(开会用的会议室已经准备就绪,请尽快过来 。)
‘AOB’ 指的是其他议题 。这是Any Other Business的缩写 。
例句:Please see the agenda and if anyone has AOB, you can talk about that at the end of the meeting.(请看会议议事日程 。如果有任何其他议题,你可以在会议最后提出 。)
‘AKA’是also known as的缩写,意思是"同时叫做/又是…“
例句:I would like to introduce John, AKA, our top accountant.(我要介绍一下约翰,他同时又是我们的顶级会计 。)
F2F是face to face的缩写 。意思是面对面 。
例句:I don’t want to discuss this via email, I would prefer to chat F2F. (我不想通过电邮来讨论这事儿,我更希望能面对面聊一下 。)
‘IMO’是in my opinion的缩写,指的是“我认为…/我的观点是/就我来说…” 。
例句:I understand that we may sell sooner if we have a set price but IMO, we can get a higher price if we encourage negotiations. (我了解如果我们设定固定价格,也许会卖得快些,但是我认为,如果我们鼓励买家讨价还价,我们可以获得更高价格 。)
‘BTW’是by the way的英文缩写,指的是“另外/还有” 。
例句:We are going to meet on the 6th floor at 1pm. BTW, if you want to have lunch during the meeting, feel free to bring food along.(我们将于下午1点在6楼开会 。顺便提一句,如果你想在会议时吃午餐,欢迎把午餐也带上 。)
‘ETA’是expected time of arrival的英文缩写,意思是“预计到达时间” 。
例句:If you get a morning flight, you will arrive a little after lunch. So please book the meeting room as soon as you can and then let me know your ETA so I can set up the equipment. (如果你早上乘坐飞机,你会午餐之后不久抵达 。所以请尽快预订会议室,然后让我知道你的预计到达时间,这样我可以设定/准备好(会议所需)设备 。)
3常用的商务 英语口语
1.We are pleased to grand you a 7% discount from the original offer since you agree to increase the order.
既然你们同意增加订购数量,我们也很高兴给予你们原报价的7%的折扣 。
2.As a special accommodation, we agree to your D/P payment terms, but only for once.
作为通融,我方同意你方采用付款交单方式,但仅此一次 。

英文邮件常用缩写 英文邮件中常用缩写


3.Nice to meet you . I’ve heard a lot about you.
很高兴认识你,久仰大名 。
【英文邮件常用缩写 英文邮件中常用缩写】4. Excuse me. I’ll be right back.
5.These cartons are well protected against moisture by plastic lining.
这些纸盒内有塑料衬里,防潮性能很好 。
6.Reliability is our strong point.
可靠性正是我们产品的优点 。
7.We plan to use cardboard or plastic cartons for the outer packing.
我们打算利用纸板箱或塑料箱作为外包装 。
8.Cartons are less expensive, lighter to carry and cost lower freight.
纸盒没有那么贵,便于运输,运费也低 。
9.They save shipping space and facilitate the storage and distribution of the goods.
它们节省了货运时间,便于货物的储存和分配 。
10.Our containers are in complete conformity to the specification laid down by the International Standardization Organization.
我方集装箱的规格完全符合国际标准化组织规定的标准 。
1.As a gesture of friendship, we accept the price of $50,000 for 1000 pairs of leather shoes.
为了表示友谊,我们接受1000双皮鞋为50000美元的价格 。
2.Since it is the case, we would exceptionally comply with your request by reducing our price to $5 per piece.
既然是这样的情况,我们愿意破例答应你方要求,将价格每个降至5美元 。
3.As our agent you should send us your market report regularly at least once every three month.
作为我方代理,你方应该经常寄来市场报告,至少每个季度一份 。
4. We hoped that you will strictly observe all the terms and condition of the agency agreement.
希望你方能严格遵守代理协议中的所有条款 。
5.During the validity of the agency agreement you should not handing any other foreign products of the same line and competitive types.
在代理协议有效期间,贵方不得经营任何其它同类和具有竞争性的国外产品 。
6. To be our sole agent you should not sell similar products from other manufacturers without our prior approval.
事先未经过我方同意,作为我方的独家代理商是不能同时经销其它厂商的同类产品的 。
7.During the agency please pay close attention to the consumer’s comments on our products.
在代理过程中,请密切注意消费者对我方产品的意见 。
8.We believe that your clients will find the improved packing satisfactory and your fears unwarranted.
我方相信你们的客户会对改进过的包装满意的,你们的担心是多余的 。
9.They save shipping space and facilitate the storage and distribution of the goods.
它们节省了货运时间,便于货物的储存和分配 。
10.We refer carton packing to wooden case packing.
我们更货向用纸盒包装,而不是用木箱包装 。