阿姨的英语怎样说 阿姨,英语怎么说

阿姨,简称姨妈,是现代对女性的称谓,如扫地阿姨、做饭阿姨等,但通常是亲属称谓,指母亲的姐姐或妹妹 。阿姨英语口语怎么说?呢?让我们来看看:

阿姨的英语怎样说 阿姨,英语怎么说


吴阿姨要我们静一些,随后拧开了电视 。
Auntie Wu asked us to be quiet, then turned the television on.
我阿姨会来和我住一些日子 。
My aunt will come to live with me for some days.
我阿姨上星期生了个小宝宝 。
My aunt gave birth to a baby last week.
我上个周末看望了我阿姨 。
I visited my aunt last weekend.
阿姨给孩子们一些洋娃娃玩 。
The nurse gave the children some dolls to play with.
阿姨常给孩子们讲一些有趣的故事 。
The nurses often tell the children interesting stories.
我阿姨在离婚后去见过这位心理医生 。
My aunt saw this shrink after her divorce.
我阿姨说你要些人参 。
My aunt said you wanted some ginseng.
我比较喜欢我阿姨做的果酱 。
I prefer the jam my aunt makes.
不过,我对你说的你阿姨厨房里的食谱倒很感爱好,咱们去找她聊聊吧 。
She has a jar on the counter that is chock full of cookies.
Aunt Polly was vexed to think she had overlooked that bit of circumstantial evidence, and missed a trick
波莉阿姨心里一想,她居然没有注意到这个附带的证据,以致又错过了一个好机会,不免有些懊恼 。
And so the monsoon passed.The "little drowned rat" spent more and more time with her "aunty" downstairs. Both were happy.
季节风渐渐地过去了 。这个小落汤鸡和她的阿姨在楼下的时间也越来越多了,她们俩都过得很愉快 。
Take your aunt a cup of tea, please.
请你给阿姨送杯茶去 。
When I saw my parents' friends I addressed them as "uncle" and "aunt."
看到父母的朋友叫叔叔阿姨 。
Yes, Aunty, came the timid reply. Will it be all right if I call you Mummy now?
“是的,阿姨,”卡门羞怯地回答 。“现在我叫你妈妈好吗?”
Aunt Louise,who has been nervous and jumpy lately,suddenly burst into tears.

阿姨的英语怎样说 阿姨,英语怎么说


最近一直很紧张且易激动的路易丝阿姨突然大哭起来 。
"Yes, Aunty," came the timid reply. "Will it be all right if I call you Mummy now?"
"Hungry?" Zoe smiled at Carmen."Starving, Aunty. I only had bread for lunch. ""I' 11 cook you some eggs. "
“饿吗?”佐伊微笑着问卡门 。“快饿死了,阿姨 。我午饭只吃了面包 。”“我去给你煎一些鸡蛋 。”
Aunt Polly, talking briskly with a friend, passed by
波莉阿姨和一个朋友谈得兴致勃勃,正从旁边走过 。
This is my aunt.
这是我的姑妈(阿姨、婶婶) 。
paternal aunt
To add to their slender income, she went every day to read to Aunt March, a peppery old lady
KaKa's aunty is a nurse.
卡卡的姑姑是个护士 。
“Please bear with me, auntie.”
“姑姑,请你耐心听我说 。”
I was brought up by my paternal aunt.
我是我姑姑抚养成人的 。
She began to learn both tap and ballet from an aunt.
她开始跟随姑姑学习踢踏舞及芭蕾舞 。
She inherited a clavichord from her aunt.
她从姑姑那儿继承了一架古钢琴 。
I'd love to, but my aunt from Canada is coming on Saturday.
我非常愿意参加,可是我在加拿大的姑姑星期六要来 。
It's very confusing. But what does aunt Caroline say in her letter?
真是太混乱了 。但是,卡洛林姑姑的信是说什么呢?
Don't keep you aunt standing on the doorstep,invite her in!
My aunt had a toothache so she went to see the dentist.
我的姑姑牙疼所以她去看了牙医 。
(informal) father's younger brother
When I saw my parents' friends I addressed them as "uncle" and "aunt."
看到父母的朋友叫叔叔阿姨 。
"You have to take hat off to Uncle George, for he knows how to do business."
"你必须向乔治叔叔脱帽致敬,他懂得如何做生意 。"
Weren’t nothing, weren’t nobody on that road, just your Daddy and his brother and that busted guitar
路上冷清清的什么也没有,半个人影子也看不到,就只有你爹,你叔叔,还有就是那只压烂的吉他 。
In Chicago he got work at the Union League Club, where he eventually met his wealthy uncle, Samuel Griffiths.
在芝加哥,克莱德在联邦协会俱乐部找到了工作 。在那里,他遇上了他富有的叔叔塞缪尔·格里菲思 。
She put a cupped palm to Byron's face, "Something about Uncle Aron's citizenship."
她用手掌托着拜伦的脸,说:“是为了埃伦?杰斯特罗叔叔的国籍问题 。”
One day Rivers learns that an uncle of Jane's, John Eyre, has recently died in madeira and has left Jane20, 000
一天,里弗斯获悉简的一个叔叔——约翰·爱最近在马德拉岛去世,给简留下了二万英镑遗产 。
"Go the hell!" Hamlet shouted to his uncle
“该死的!”哈姆雷特朝他的叔叔吼道 。
Georgia pointedly and formally introduced her nephew"If you're anything like your uncle,you're the answer to a maiden's prayer"said Mary.
乔治娅特别而正式地介绍她的侄儿 。玛丽说道:“如果你事事像你叔叔一样,你就是一个理想的伴侣 。”
Tom's uncle aided him in getting a new job.
汤姆的叔叔帮他找一个新工作 。
One old man in Yanshou, Hunan, speaking about his uncle, gave the date of birth as "the seventh year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu"
【阿姨的英语怎样说 阿姨,英语怎么说】在湖南延寿乡,一位老人说起他叔叔的生日是“光绪七年”,